

Pursuing Your InterestsNew Skills

Upgrading skills and maximising your potential for a fulfilling life!
  • Rai Sonam
  • 兼職美甲師
    Part-time Nail Technician
  • ERB課程:美甲師基礎證書
    ERB Course : Foundation Certificate in Nail Technician Training (English Medium)


I was born in Nepal and then moved to Hong Kong for family reunion after completing my secondary education. I worked in the catering industry in early years and later became a housewife. Having an interest in nail art, I enrolled in the ERB Foundation Certificate in Nail Technician Training to acquire related knowledge and skills. I am now a part-time nail technician and I enjoy participating in volunteer service during my leisure time. I am glad that ERB has helped me to develop my career, enabling me to achieve work-life balance.
