Home > Press Releases > 2020 > ERB welcomes the initiatives to enhance the retraining support to employees proposed in the Policy Address
ERB welcomes the initiatives to enhance the retraining support to employees proposed in the Policy Address
The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) welcomes the initiatives proposed in the Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy Address to further enhance the retraining support to employees affected by economic downturn by extending the ERB “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” (Special Scheme) and accepting more employers to participate in the ERB “First-Hire-Then-Train” Scheme (FHTT Scheme).
Mr. YU Pang-chun, Chairman of ERB said, “Reviving the economy and promoting employment are conducive to restoring people’s confidence in the future. The Policy Address proposed that immediately after the completion of the Phase 2 of the Special Scheme in December 2020, ERB will launch the Phase 3 of the Special Scheme in January 2021 for 6 months for more people in need to attend training for upgrading of employment skills and obtaining allowance upon completion of training. The new phase will double the 10,000 training places provided under the Phase 2, enabling 20,000 trainees to receive retraining.”
ERB will also work closely with related Government departments to encourage employers of sectors that face persistent manpower shortages, including those of the healthcare sector, to participate in the FHTT Scheme and consider adjusting the training and working hour arrangements under the scheme to attract people to join the sector.
ERB is committed to offering suitable training courses and services to members of the public in a timely manner to cater for their training and employment needs.
Post Date:25/11/2020