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Home > 2023 > The “ERB 30ers” Series was presented “Our City’s Story Award” of the “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2022”

The “ERB 30ers” Series was presented “Our City’s Story Award” of the “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2022”

The “ERB 30ers” Series was presented “Our City’s Story Award” of the “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2022” in recognition of the contribution of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) in promoting an age-friendly culture and encouraging “Post-50” (people aged 50 or above) to pursue skills upgrading and engage in employment.

ERB is committed to providing diversified training courses to support members of the public including the “Post-50” (persons aged 50 or above), to engage in skills training for empowerment and career development.  To commemorate its 30th anniversary, ERB launched a series of promotional initiatives to strengthen connection with different sectors of the community.  Among those, the “ERB 30ers” Series featured inspirational stories of the “Post-50” and other ERB trainees of diverse backgrounds who acquired new skills through retraining and developed new careers, showcasing their enthusiasm for learning and a spirit of perseverance and self-enhancement.  ERB will continue its endeavours to support the training and employment needs of the “Post-50” with a view of empowering and unleashing the potential of the workforce.  

“ERB 30ers” Series: (in Chinese only)




Post Date:16/6/2023