Home > Press Releases > 2020 > Extended Course Suspension Period and “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” Application Deadline by ERB
Extended Course Suspension Period and “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” Application Deadline by ERB
In view of the latest development of the epidemic, the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) announces that the ERB courses will continue to be suspended till 31 March 2020 with a view to lowering the risk of spread of virus due to social gatherings and contacts. ERB also extends the application deadline of the “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” to 30 June 2020 to facilitate the participation of more people in need.
ERB indicates that the extended suspension period will be applicable to all full-time and part-time courses of ERB, including the “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” courses. ERB is now actively working with its training bodies to implement an array of precautionary measures in all training centres, and to explore the feasibility of resuming ERB classes progressively with the health of trainees and general public safeguarded being the top priority. ERB will continue to closely monitor the latest development and make further announcement in due course.
During the class suspension period, the skills assessment service of the ERB “Practical Skills Training and Assessment Centre”, 37 “ERB Service Spots”, face-to-face training consultancy service and all trainee activities will remain suspended. Other ERB services are gradually resuming normal operation.
Moreover, to allow people with sufficient time to apply for the “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” under the epidemic, ERB extends the application deadline from 31 March 2020 to 30 June 2020, with a view to stepping up the support to those recently unemployed, under-employed or be required to take no pay leave to upgrade their skills for self-enhancement and employment. The “Love Upgrading Special Scheme” offers around 2 to 3 months’ integrated skills enhancement training. Various special arrangements, including fee waiver for all training courses, no restrictions on the educational attainment of trainee, enrollment of up to 4 training courses for each eligible trainee, and disbursement of special allowance to trainees attaining 80% attendance rate are in place.
Should trainees and members of the public have any enquiries, please call ERB hotline 182 182 or visit the ERB website: www.erb.org or the dedicated website of the “Love Upgrading Special Scheme”: www.erb.org/scheme.
Post Date:10/3/2020