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Maximum monthly retraining allowance increases to $8,000 and “One-stop Training and Employment Scheme” opens to employers for application
New initiatives to Promote Training and Employment -
Maximum monthly retraining allowance increases to $8,000 and “One-stop Training and Employment Scheme” opens to employers for application
In line with the Government’s policy measures on strengthening training and promoting employment set out in the 2023 Policy Address, with the assistance of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) has closely followed up on legislative amendment of the Employees Retraining Ordinance in relation to revising the maximum monthly retraining allowance from $5,800 to $8,000. With completion of the relevant legislative amendment work, the new statutory cap of retraining allowance will take effect on 23 February 2024, applicable to ERB regular placement-tied courses commencing on or after that day. More so, the pilot “One-stop Training and Employment Scheme” is accepting applications from employers starting today, with a view to encouraging potential labour force to engage in training and join industries with keen manpower demand.
Starting from 23 February 2024, under the new arrangement, the daily rate of retraining allowance provided for placement-tied courses lasting seven days or more (except “Youth Training Programme” courses) will be increased to $333 (on a basis of two sessions a day) and the half‑day allowance will be $166.5 (on a basis of one session a day); while the daily rate of retraining allowance for “Youth Training Programme” courses will be increased to $167. ERB currently offers around 200 placement-tied training courses straddling 28 industries, encouraging the unemployed, as well as individuals seeking jobs or in between jobs to enrol in training for upskilling, facilitating the entry of the potential labour force into the local workforce.
In addition, ERB is accepting applications from employers for the pilot “One-stop Training and Employment Scheme” (the Scheme) which provides seamless pre-employment training, placement follow-up and continuous upskilling support services. The pilot scheme will be implemented on a two-year basis with a view to encouraging potential labour force to join industries with keen manpower demand and continuously engage in upskilling.
Under the Scheme, the ERB’s appointed training bodies will assist participating employers in recruitment and offer enterprise-based pre-employment training courses. These recruited trainees are eligible for retraining allowance after completing the pre-employment training. Besides, employment contracts will be signed between employers and enrolled trainees and such contracts will come into effect after the completion of the pre-employment training. In the course of employment, trainees will be provided six-month placement follow-up service and support on skills upgrading through enrolling in ERB training courses. Trainees who have completed two designated ERB training courses during the placement follow-up period will be eligible for training allowance to be disbursed in two instalments (after staying in employment for at least three months and six months respectively). Those employed on a full-time basis, who have stayed in employment for three months and completed one designated training course will be eligible for training allowance calculated at $3,000 per month ($9,000 for each instalment, a total of $18,000 for two instalments)*. The pilot scheme primarily provides training and employment support to industries facing manpower shortage and welcomes application from industry employers. For details of the Scheme, please visit the dedicated website at www.erb.org/onestop.
For information of ERB courses and services, please visit the ERB website (www.erb.org) or call the ERB Hotline 182 182.
*Those employed on a part-time basis, who have stayed in employment for three months and completed one designated training course will be eligible for training allowance calculated at $1,500 per month ($4,500 for each instalment, a total of $9,000 for two instalments).
Post Date:6/2/2024