Home > ERB Service Centre
ERB Service Centre
As the district-based window to the courses and services of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB), the ERB Service Centre offers just-in-time and diversified self-help and support services to those with training and employment needs. The service targets are people aged 15 or above, with education attainment at sub-degree level or below. Registration as members is both simple and free of charge.
The Service Centre provides an overview of courses of the ERB as well as information on courses offered by training bodies in the respective district. The Service Centre answers general enquiries on training courses and provides direct enrolment service for selective courses offered by training bodies in the district. "Training Consultancy Service" and "Training and Career Needs Test" are available from the Service Centre to facilitate members of the public to identify suitable courses and make use of the services offered by the Service Centre.
The Service Centre provides training-related services to encourage self-enhancement. The Centre offers multi-media computer facilities and makes available reference material and self-learning softwares for use at the reading corners. A great variety of workshops including course and industry seminars, workshops on job search skills and generic skills, and sessions on topical issues are organised to disseminate information on latest market situation and enhance the generic and vocational skills of the members. Mutual support and study groups are also set up for members to share experience and exchange information.
The Service Centre also provides support services for people with employment needs. Job seekers can refer to job cards displayed at the Centre and through the vacancy search terminals to access the vacancy database of the Labour Department. They can also make use of the office facilities for job applications. Members are welcome to use the self-help "Mock Interview System" to polish their interviewing skills. Industry seminars and job fairs will be held from time to time for members to enhance their employment opportunities.
To cater for the need of special target groups such as new arrivals and ethnic minorities, targeted support services including language and generic skills workshops and mutual support groups are also organised by the Service Centre.
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 9:00pm *
(Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday)
* The opening hours of the Service Centre are subject to change for operational needs.
Unit 301, 3/F, Tin Ching Amenity and Community Building, Tin Ching Estate, Tin Shui Wai, N.T.
(852) 3919 6100
New Territories Associations Retraining Centre Limited
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