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  1. Quality Assurance and Review Committee
  2. Public Relations, Promotion and Support Services Committee
  3. Finance and Administration Committee
  4. Audit Committee

1. Course Development and Vetting Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To formulate and regularly review the direction and strategy for developing training courses, through exploring those industries and job types with market potential, in tandem with the local economy and labour market situation; and make recommendation to the Board for endorsement of annual training capacity and distribution of training places among different types of training courses;

  2. to formulate and review, when appropriate, the Training Places Allocation Mechanism, and recommend to the Board for endorsement of the number of training places allocated to individual training bodies basing on the Mechanism, annual training capacity and budgetary applications;

  3. to develop market-oriented training courses and training schemes, and vet proposals pertaining to new training courses and schemes submitted by the Executive Office and training bodies in accordance with the training and employment needs of the different service targets and the advice of “Industry Consultative Networks”;

  4. to vet proposed revisions to existing training courses and training schemes; and review the proposed course suspension list so as to cope more closely with the needs of the market and industries;

  5. to monitor on a quarterly basis the progress of training courses, and the allocation of additional training places and related funding to training bodies by the Executive Office;

  6. to formulate and review the policies pertaining to course administration matters; and

  7. to vet the formation or review of “Industry Consultative Networks”, as well as the application and appointment of Technical Advisers.





Ms. Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP

Ms. Alice WONG Nga-lai
Mr. LAM Tin-fu
Representative of the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Representative of the Commissioner for Labour
Representative of the Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council   
Mr. William CHAN Chun-ho #
Mr. Bosco NG Chung-lun # 

Manager (Course Administration)

# Co-opted Members


2. Quality Assurance and Review Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To scrutinise applications as new training bodies and recommendations to discontinue the provision of training courses by existing training bodies;

  2. to develop the quality assurance strategy and enforcement mechanism for training courses and support services;

  3. to determine and monitor the key performance indicators and overall performance level of training courses, and undertake reviews when necessary;

  4. to monitor the quality assurance performance and key performance indicators of the operators of support services;

  5. to monitor and assess the training quality, cost-effectiveness, and administrative arrangements of training bodies in the delivery of training courses;

  6. to monitor the implementation and development of standardised assessment for training courses, and scrutinise the performance of trainees in the assessments; and
  7. to monitor complaints lodged by members of the public and trainees, and review the outcomes of investigation of individual cases when necessary.





Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin

Mr. Harold WONG Tsu-hing, JP
Mr. TAM Chi-chung
Representative of the Commissioner for Labour
Representative of the Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council 

Manager (Quality Enhancement)

3. Public Relations, Promotion and Support Services Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider the public relations and promotion strategy as well as annual plan prepared by the Executive Office;

  2. to monitor and advise on the effectiveness of promotional campaigns in enhancing the image and branding of ERB;

  3. to develop support services to gear to market needs, and scrutinise relevant tender exercises and other proposals pertaining to support services;

  4. to determine key performance indicators of the operating contracts of support services;

  5. to consider large-scale public relations and promotional activities proposed by the Executive Office, and scrutinise the results of concerned tendering exercises; and
  6. to monitor the effectiveness of public relations and promotional activities undertaken by training bodies for promoting training courses and support services.





Dr. Hon Johnny NG Kit-chong, MH, JP

Ms. Jenny CHIU Wai-han
Ms. LUI Kit-han
Representative of the Commissioner for Labour
Mr. Chris LIU Kwok-wai #

Manager (Media and External Affairs)

# Co-opted Member

4. Finance and Administration Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider and submit to the Board for approval the appointment, compensation and benefits policies of the Executive Office, and to formulate other personnel policies;

  2. to monitor the staff establishment of the Executive Office and recommend to the Board the appointment and termination of staff at the Deputy Executive Director level;

  3. to consider and submit to the Board for approval the annual budget and annual financial report;

  4. to monitor the income, expenditure and financial positions;

  5. to advise the Board on the investment strategy of the Employees Retraining Fund and monitor the investment activities and performance of the Fund;

  6. to formulate and review the procurement policy and scrutinise large-scale tendering exercises (except those pertaining to training courses and services, and public relations and promotion projects); and

  7. to formulate and review the IT policies, including IT security policies, and monitor the progress of implementation.

Investment Group under the Finance and Administration Committee

  1. To advise on the investment objectives, strategies and guidelines of the Employees Retraining Fund, and to make recommendations as and when necessary;

  2. to offer advice on investment options in accordance with circumstances of the prevailing investment market and the requirements of the Board; and

  3. to advise on the day-to-day investment activities of the Executive Office.





Professor Simon WONG Kit-lung, BBS, JP

Mr. LI Wing-foo
Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
Representative of the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Representative of the Commissioner for Labour

Manager (Finance and Accounts)

Investment Group




Mr. YU Pang-chun, GBS, JP

Professor Simon WONG Kit-lung, BBS, JP
Mr. Harold WONG Tsu-hing, JP
Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, GBS, JP #
Mr. Patrick HO Pak-tai #

Deputy Manager (Finance and Accounts)

# Co-opted Members


5. Audit Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor the operational and financial systems of the Executive Office to ensure their compliance with the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines of the Board and relevant legislative provisions, and to review the effectiveness, efficiency and economy in the use of resources by the Executive Office;
  2. to scrutinise reports submitted by the Internal Audit Section and recommend improvement measures;
  3. to direct the performance of specific reviews or investigations by the Executive Office as and when necessary or as directed by the Board; and
  4. to monitor the cost-effectiveness of the internal audit function of the Executive Office.




Mr. LI Wing-foo

Ms. LAM Kwan, MH
Ms. Jenny CHIU Wai-han
Representative of the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Internal Auditor