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Message from the Executive Director

Byron NG Kwok-keung, BBS
Executive Director
Employees Retraining Board

Steady Moves with Growth Momentum

Having navigated the pandemic, Hong Kong is returning on course in 2023 with thanks to the series of targeted boost measures.  With a strong sense of confidence and vigor, Hong Kong’s society and economy are moving ahead at full steam.

In 2023-24, the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) will uphold the policy objective of “Strengthening Training, Embracing Technology and Facilitating Employment” and strive to develop market-oriented training courses and services, rendering full support to members of the public in skills training and career development.

Strengthened Training with Quality Assurance

In 2023-24, ERB will provide 150,000 training places and some 700 training courses to respond to training needs and talent demands of the society.  In tandem with industry and market development trends, we will enrich our course portfolio by developing new courses with market potential, such as those in programming and data processing, digital marketing and skills training for service industries.  We will introduce course series and professional certification courses of different sectors, covering financial services, construction, real estate agency services, etc. We will also organise industry thematic workshops to assist practitioners of different industries to keep pace with the latest market trends.

Aligning with the development of the “Qualifications Framework” is an important focus in our course planning and quality assurance work.  In the coming year, we will set up a “Course Accreditation Panel” to improve the vetting process of ERB training courses and enhance the quality assurance system.  We will continue developing new “Specification of Competency Standards-based” courses, and exploring more “Vocational Qualifications Pathway” courses.  At the same time, we will keep optimising measures pertaining to course administration and strengthen related quality assurance work, with a view to enhancing the recognition of our training courses.

Expanding Services with Stronger Support

ERB is committed to expanding district-level service network and providing diversified support services to encourage members of the public to enrol in training.  In 2023-24, we will reinforce district-level services and promotion initiatives, including setting up another “High Traffic Service Spot” in Kowloon East; sustaining district-based promotional activities via the “ERB Courses Road Show”; and hosting dedicated activities such as industry seminars, taster courses and workplace experiential activities at the “ERB Service Centre” and various “ERB Service Spots” to extend the reach to different community groups.

To expand our partnership network, we will foster stronger relationships through organising the “Annual Employer Gathering” and “Taster Courses for SME”, and solicit new applications for the “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme”.  Facing an ageing population, ERB plans to expand the scope of elderly care services of the “Smart Living” Scheme and optimise the functions of the “ERB Helper App” and “ERB Home Services App” so as to further boost service efficiency.

Encouraging Upskilling with Diversified Promotion Channels

Hong Kong is at a critical juncture of economic rebound and the human capital is key to driving social progress.  Skills training is therefore particularly important as an integral part in unleashing the potential of the workforce and elevating its proficiency, which in turn provides crucial support to the sustainable development of our economy and society.

Reflecting on the fight against the pandemic, different sectors of the community had made distinctive contributions to help the city ride out the tough times.  At the ERB 30 cum Annual Award Presentation Ceremony held last year, we conferred awards to outstanding ERB trainees for their exemplary performance in both personal and professional development.  Many have devoted themselves to meaningful jobs including ward assistants and healthcare workers who stationed in hospitals and residential care homes to take care of the needy; programme assistants who worked in social service organisations to support the underprivileged groups; and also property service assistants who served on the frontline to offer professional assistance to residents and tenants.  I take great pride in what they do and believe many other ERB trainees are also putting their expertise to good use to benefit the society.

To further promote the social values of skills training, ERB will launch thematic promotion programmes and develop series of upskilling stories in the year to continue delivering positive messages to the public.  In addition, we will step up our efforts in digital promotion and media communication, and continue to join hands with training bodies in promotion under the “WeShare Promotion Collaborative Scheme” so as to expand our publicity network.

Building on the Past   Nurturing Talent for the Future

Looking ahead, ERB will remain dedicated to promoting skills training and lifelong learning, contributing to the development of a competitive local workforce to serve the needs and tap into opportunities arising from industry transformation and economic progress.

“One has to be resolute and persevering in a long journey towards accomplishing a mission.”  Three decades on, ERB stays committed to the responsibility of promoting vocational and professional education and training.  By upholding our service spirit, we will continue to support members of the public in skills upgrading, empower them to build their careers and make valuable contributions to society.