The Basics
- Be courteous and friendly. Greet and introduce yourself proactively and politely.
- Turn your mobile phones to "mute / vibrating" mode when working.
- Check the routes and transportation means to the workplace to avoid lateness for work.
- Report duty on time. Never miss an appointment, reporting late or leave early. You have to notify the employer immediately if you are unable to report duty on time or have to leave early because of sickness or other urgent matters.
Dress code
- Keep your appearance tidy and clean. Avoid accessories, sexy clothes and heavy make-up.
- Your clothes should be comfortable. It is not appropriate to wear clothes or accessories that will easily hurt the babies.
- If the Black Rainstorm Signal has been issued or Typhoon Signal No. Eight or above has been hoisted, you should contact your employer proactively to reschedule the appointment.
Professional Code of Practice
Helpers (both Post-natal care helpers and infant and child care helpers) shoulder great responsibilities. Employers will expect helpers to be responsible, caring and professional. Helpers of “Smart Baby Care” should observe the following code of practice, otherwise they may be liable to disciplinary action:
Job Interview
- Be sincere. Never fabricate any working experience. Smart Baby Care reserves the right to request helpers to produce proof of the working experience for verification in person.
- Should not request for changing the terms of employment, such as salary and working time, or to request for extra meals and transport allowances.
- Understand the job duties and requirements clearly and ensure that they are achievable with your capability.
Preparation before Reporting Duty
- Post-natal care helpers and infant care helpers who graduated from the related courses within one year must join the training provided by our consultants before reporting duty.
Professional Ethics
- Never do anything unrelated to your duties, e.g. chatting over the phone, web surfing, gambling, knitting, smoking, drinking, sleeping, watching TV or listening to radio, no matter if your employer is at home or not.
- Never shout and speak foul languages whilst you are on duty.
- Never use employers’ belongings, e.g. computers, video recorders, tape recorders for your private purposes.
- Don’t compare among employers. Never disclose your employers’ confidential or personal information.
- Maintain clear shopping records and keep all receipts to avoid any disputes. Never derive any personal interests from these transactions.
- Respect the employers’ decisions for the issues related to spending. You should avoid giving excessive opinions.
- Never ask for or imply for tips or red pockets.
- Be careful and take care of the household properties and electrical appliances of the employers.
- Be honest, admit and apologise to employers for any mistake.
- Always prepare to learn and upgrade new job skills.
- Never take or eat the food of the employers without their consent.
- Advise the employers to check whether completed service met the job requirements before you leave the employers’ homes.
Understanding Your Role
- Although helpers possess more experience and better knowledge on post-natal care, helpers should avoid being too dominated and self-assertive. Always be modest to communicate with employers and their family members. Respect and listen patiently to the views of experienced or senior family members. Be open-minded and not to insist on own ways of doing.
- The scope of duties of helpers is extensive. If the duties are within their capabilities, helpers should maintain good service attitude and try their best to fulfill the duties required as far as possible
- Respect the employers’ instructions and job requirements. For some unreasonable or dangerous tasks, you should discuss with employers frankly to sort out the solutions.
- Work with a flexible attitude.
Proper Management of Emotions
- The helpers should keep good control of their emotions. Avoid casting negative emotions on employers and their family members.
- Under no circumstances should the helpers vent their emotions to their employers or children, causing them anxiety or even body injuries.
Quality Service
- Care for the safety of the children at all times and observe their behavioral changes patiently.
- Actively suggest and explain your work schedule to employers and obtain their consent before execution.
- Be aware of your personal hygiene, clean your hands before touching the babies or preparing milk.
- Before taking up duty, observe baby’s face, breathing pattern, check baby’s skins and other body parts. Inform employers immediately for spotting any problems.
- For any abnormal baby conditions found during work, stay calm and inform employers immediately.
- Keep daily record of activities of the babies, for example, volume of milk intake, urine and excretion record, sleeping time, etc.
- Before off duty every day, report to employers the daily record, the conditions of the babies, arrangement of nutritious meal, and enquire if there are any special needs for the next day.
- Upon one week before the end of the contract, explain and report the work details patiently to employers and their family members. Ask proactively if your further assistances are needed to relieve any anxiety they may have.
The Following Code of Practice Applicable to Post-natal Care Helpers Only
- Cater for the needs of the post-natal mothers. If breast feeding is preferred, the helper should offer support and guidance on the proper skills, and give more encouragement.
- Communicate with the mothers to understand more their meal preference, concerns on food allergy, if any.
Preparation before Reporting Duty
- Check if employers have any allergy or preference on food, whether it is necessary to accompany the employers when admitting to hospital, and provide menus for employers that are suitable during pregnancy.
- Seek consent from employers to visit their homes before reporting duty so as to familiarise with the working environment, and make suggestions on utensils and equipments required.
Receiving Deposits
- Employers and post-natal care helpers should use the Smart Baby Care - Sample of Post-natal Care Helper Employment Contract posted on this website. The amount of the deposit should not exceed 10% of the monthly salary and it should be paid upon signing the contract.
- In general, the deposit will be forfeited if the employers terminated the service before the post-natal care helpers report duty. However, if the service termination was due to miscarriage or other accidents, the post-natal care helpers might consider refunding half or full amount of the deposit to the employers.
- Any agreement (including deposit) taking place before the commencement of the employer-employee relationship is not bound by the Employment Ordinance. Deposit arrangement, even mutually agreed before commencement of employment, is considered as a private agreement between employers and employees. In case of dispute, either party could resort to small claims for settlement.
Report Duty as Agreed
- Post-natal care helper should always reserve buffer period between appointments, so as to accommodate delay in delivery of preceding employer without affecting the duty date for the subsequent employer. The buffer period should be 7 days before and after the due date.
- After signing the employment contract with the employer and receiving the deposit, the helper should not cancel the employment without justifiable reasons.
- Post-natal care helpers should strive to complete the contracts and avoid quitting causally before the contracts end.
- Never be late for duty, leave early or take leave casually.
Receiving Red Pockets
- Giving red pockets or bonus is totally subject to the will or tradition of the employers. Post-natal care helpers should not ask for red pockets, specify the amount or the frequency.
Keeping Clear Shopping Records
- Never ask employers money for buying food before reporting duty.
- Never purchase food ingredients without prior consent from employers on their preferences and requirements.
- Do not buy too much fresh food ingredients at a time, such as pork for a week’s consumption, so as to avoid affecting the degree of freshness of food.
- Keep the receipts and record the quantity and price of each item clearly. Report the expenses to employers on daily basis.
- For expensive food ingredients, the helper should advise the employers to purchase themselves.
- Report to employers on the portion of ingredients used every time, especially for expensive food ingredients. Helpers can divide the newly purchased ingredients into several portions so that the employers will have a basic concept on the quantity.
Service Termination
Any nuisances or disruptive behaviors including but not limited to using foul language, making threats, making abusive remarks, sending unwanted marketing information, sending disturbing messages or images to staff of “Smart Baby Care” or employers are not accepted. ERB and “Smart Baby Care” reserve the right to terminate the service to you.