Smart Living helps you to show your abilities! The registration procedures as a Smart Helper are simple and convenient.
Applicants should have completed any of the following relevant ERB courses:
Courses | Types of Vacancy Eligible to Apply |
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#Trainees of these courses must undergo standardized practical assessments offered by the ERB Practical Skills Training and Assessment Centre ("PSTAC"). For other courses, trainees are required to undergo assessment(s) by individual training bodies.
+ Including the “Foundation Certificate in Care Worker Training” or "Foundation Certificate in Care-related Support Worker Training" obtained under the Modular Certificates Accumulation Scheme.
^Trainees are required to possess a valid Business Registration Certificate for registration as Smart Living Masseurs. Each registration is valid until the expiry date of the masseur’s Business Registration Certificate. Masseurs who wish to continue to use the services of Smart Living upon expiration of the registration are required to submit a copy of the renewed Business Registration Certificate to the Employees Retraining Board via the following channels. Please write down on the copy of the Business Registration Certificate the number and name of the masseur, and the RSC centre for picking up the renewed Smart Living Masseur Card.
Fax:2311 1357
Address: 3/F to 6/F, 10 Siu Sai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Applicants are required to register as Smart Helpers.
Install the “ERB Helper App”(Chinese version only) and press “New User Registration” to proceed with registration.
Applicants are required to upload the following documents for application for Smart Living Masseurs:
Smart Living - Regional Service Centre will notify the applicant by phone call, within one month upon submission of applications to bring along the original copies of above documents 1. and 2. to the Smart Living - Regional Service Centre for verification, and to signify agreement to abide by the Notes and Guidelines for Masseurs (Chinese version only). Upon completion of the above procedures, the applicants will be issued a Smart Living Masseur Card and can search and apply for relevant jobs uploaded on the “ERB Helper App”.
Applicant can fill in the Job Application Form (Chinese version only) downloaded or obtained from any of the Smart Living – Regional Service Centres. The completed form should be submitted together with the required documents (applicable to Smart Living masseurs only) by fax, mail or in person to any of the Smart Living - Regional Service Centres.
The Centre will contact the applicant to verify the information and may meet the applicant to better understand her / his job skills and expectations when necessary.
To assist trainees in achieving steady development in domestic services, Smart Living - Regional Service Centres (RSCs) are dedicated to provide referral and support services to "Uprising Helper" who have completed relevant courses in the last 5 years (from the course completion date).
To further enhance the employment opportunities of helpers, ERB launched the “ERB Helper App” mobile application in March 2020, both "Uprising Helper" and “Experienced Helper” (completed relevant courses for more than 5 years ) can register and use the mobile application for job application and job matching.
Helpers can call or visit any of the Smart Living – Regional Service Centres to enquire about job vacancies information.