Employee Retraining Board

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Skills-based Training Courses

More Details

ERB Instructors and Trainees Walking Hand in Hand

Instructors’ and Trainees’ Sharing

One-stop Training and Employment Scheme

Foundation Certificate in Advanced Security & Property Management

Upgrading Skills.Adding Value at Work

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Course Prospectus (2024-2025)


Placement-tied Courses

Full-time courses on vocational and professional education and training aimed at supporting the unemployed in acquiring industry-specific vocational skills.

Skills Upgrading Courses

Part-time courses to support trainees in skills upgrading.

Generic Skills Courses

Training of transferable skills applicable in different industries including foundation skills (English, Putonghua, and IT Applications) and personal attributes.

Activities Highlights

A variety of activities are organised to assist members of the public in gaining a better understanding of different ERB courses and relevant industry information. Please visit the “ERB Service Centre” website for details.

Trainees' Sharing

NG Pui-shan | Registered Nurse

ERB Graduate Trainee (Worked as Health Worker after graduation and currently as Registered Nurse)

“The professional skills training provided by ERB has equipped me with the knowledge and skill set necessary for healthcare services, enabling me to participate in meaningful work.”

HO Lai-ling | Customer Service Assistant

ERB Graduate Trainee

“Thanks to the ERB course, I have gained professional knowledge in property management and started my second career.”

Kaur Harsimrat | Kitchen Crew

ERB Graduate Trainee

“Through ERB course, I have the opportunity to learn new skills and build my career.”

TSE Chun-lai | Technical Support Engineer Trainee

ERB Graduate Trainee

“With an aspiration to work in the IT industry, I choose to study IT. By studying the ERB course, I am able to expand my skill set and apply it to my work.”

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